Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alessandro Scali & Robin Goode's NANOART on NATURE

Yes, it's true. On the last NATURE issue published today there's an article about our nanoart project, written by Emiliano Feresin. Here's the editor abstract, directly from nature website:

It's a small world

Curated by Stefano Raimondi as part of the BergamoScienza festival in Bergamo, Nanoart may be the smallest show on Earth. Billed as Italy's first nanoscale art exhibition, "per vedere l'invisibile", it features six works by 'nano' artists Alessandro Scali and Robin Goode. Their collaboration with physicist Fabrizio Pirri, from the Turin Polytechnic University atomic force microscopy lab, produced works including Actual Size, a far from actual size map of Africa.

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